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Same day delivery within Morrinsville and Te Aroha if ordered before 2pm. Sometimes we can still deliver if it's later, just give us a call on 07 8895737 and we can let you know. Otherwise they will be delivered on the date specified in your order.

We provide several delivery options including free store pick-up in Morrinsville CBD and charged delivery services to:

Morrinsville and Te Aroha townships at $15

Waikato Rural areas at $23

The rest of New Zealand is at $30. 

Full details can be found on our shipping policy page.

Add water, remove submerged leaves, check water daily, trim stems regularly, and keep out of direct sunlight.

More details check our Flower care guide

Our Florist and Lifestyle store in Morrinsville has the benefit of having fresh seasonal flowers straight from our flower farm complementing the flowers we source direct from Local New Zealand commercial growers and our amazing wholesaler in Auckland.

We are happy to refund you if you change your mind but there is a $10 fee to cover the costs that we are still charged by our payment gateway and admin costs.

Flowers will be left in a safe place or delivery will be rescheduled.

Messages are written on a shop-branded gift card, with an option for special gift cards. If you have a long message we strongly recommend adding a luxury gift card so we can fit your message in!