Discover the best in local floral artistry with WILDbella Florist in Te Aroha. Our expert florists craft stunning, fresh bouquets and arrangements perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re celebrating a special event or simply want to brighten someone's day, WILDbella Florist offers a beautiful selection of flowers, designed to impress. Visit us in Te Aroha (by appointment only) or shop online to find the perfect floral expression crafted with care and attention to detail. Trust us to bring your floral visions to life with elegance and unparalleled creativity.
We are local
Same day local delivery
We are reliable
Prompt, skilled and caring
We love flowers
Gifting is our real passion
Te Aroha floral and gift collections
Browse WILDbella Florist's extensive range of exquisite flowers and unique gifts, perfect for any occasion and guaranteed to delight. Same day delivery available for Te Aroha CBD.
Bouquet - Brighten My Day
$75.00 - $200.00
Trust The Florist
$50.00 - $250.00
Flower Tuffet with Hand Soap
Bouquet - Bright and Vibrant
$75.00 - $200.00
Preserved Arrangement - Neutrals
$90.00 - $120.00
Preserved Arrangement - Bright Sorbet
$90.00 - $120.00
Preserved Arrangement - Lavender Blush
$90.00 - $120.00
Bouquet - Rustic Bunch
$75.00 - $200.00
Bouquet - White Fragrant Lilies
$50.00 - $150.00
Fresh Floral Heart
Dried Floral Heart
Bouquet - Brighten My Day
$75.00 - $200.00
Trust The Florist
$50.00 - $250.00
Flower Tuffet with Hand Soap
Bouquet - Bright and Vibrant
$75.00 - $200.00
Preserved Arrangement - Neutrals
$90.00 - $120.00
Preserved Arrangement - Bright Sorbet
$90.00 - $120.00
Preserved Arrangement - Lavender Blush
$90.00 - $120.00
Bouquet - Rustic Bunch
$75.00 - $200.00
Bouquet - White Fragrant Lilies
$50.00 - $150.00
Fresh Floral Heart
Dried Floral Heart
Miniature Orchid
ZZ Plant in White Elho Pot
Watermelon Pepperomia
Monstera Deliciosa in Pot
Chain of Hearts Plant
Calathea Plant
Pink Anthurium
Miniature Orchid
ZZ Plant in White Elho Pot
Watermelon Pepperomia
Monstera Deliciosa in Pot
Chain of Hearts Plant
Calathea Plant
Pink Anthurium
Seriously Good Chocolate Box
$29.00 - $39.00
New Baby Flower and Gift Crate
Helium Balloon
ECOYA Handcream
Botanical Skincare Bath Bomb
Seriously Good Chocolate Box
$29.00 - $39.00
New Baby Flower and Gift Crate
Helium Balloon
ECOYA Handcream
Botanical Skincare Bath Bomb